We had a very memorable afternoon tromping around Napa - the next time you're there, we suggest you drop by the Ceja winery for a lovely, leisurly tasting experience, and to Ubuntu for the most extravagant flavors of vegetarian cuisine you've ever tasted. The wedding itself was lots of fun, with delicious food, a spectacular setting, a capoeira demonstration by the groom, and even a dance with the bride for Oliver.
More photos here: http://picasaweb.google.com/amandalinden/21OWL4?authkey=iQ6fq_yxYhM#
Jamie and Greg's wedding, The Carneros Inn, Napa
Dancing with the bride
He loves that karate pose ('kram' is Swedish for 'hug' or maybe 'hiiii-YAAA!')
Sweet boy
1 comment:
Yay for Oliver being a good traveler!
Doc, you look really beautiful. Glamorous as usual.
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